Effortlessly Locate the Manuals You Need

Type @manual in your search bar and access manual search via the autocomplete

Make manual search easier

Available in the Google Chrome Web Store
Just type ‘@manual’
Type the short command @manual in your Chrome browser's address bar to activate the feature of this extension
Choose the format you need
Choose the format of the manual that you need
Easy installation & removal
As a light browser extension, it takes a few seconds to fully install this tool to your browser and another few seconds to completely remove it from your browser. No sweat on data usage or data security.

Simple tutorial
Try it now

We offer the manual search functionality to increase your productivity and search accuracy.
Start writing “@manual’
Type @manual in your search bar and access manual search via the autocomplete
Get the desired result
Find the manuals you need in the format you need

Supported Search Engines

After this extension has been added to your Chrome browser, your default search engine will be modified to our private search domain powered by Yahoo. In this extension, we support Yahoo, Google, and Bing. If you want to select a different search engine as your default, you can easily do so inside the Settings of this extension.

Frequently Asked Questions

Manual Search provides you an additional layer of protection to verify the news site that appears in your browser address bar and search result feed.

Fake news not only waste our time, but also mislead our judgement. Sometimes, news from unreliable sources or websites might even cause us financial and data privacy losses. Consume news from reliable news websites and keep up with your safety while surfing is crucially important.

In order to provide the verification of news site from both the address bar and search result feed, we need to modify your search engine to our search domain powered by Yahoo. The key functionality of our extension only performs on the search provider with which we have a business connection with.

Of course. It's free of charge.

See the uninstallation instructions on the uninstall page.